Digital Platform

This platform includes grade-specific, prep-free healthy living content for the whole school (PreK-5th grade). All resources are linked to your state specific standards in math, science and language arts as well as national STEM and Health/PE standards. This allows for students to stay on task academically while improving their health and academic test scores. Truly a whole child curriculum taught by the organs who live inside the children that they love! (

All for only $3 per student/year!

Subscription Includes:

(Storybooks and activity sheets are in both English and Spanish)

  • 8 PreK/K storybooks/24 activity sheets
  • 12 1st grade storybooks/24 activity sheets
  • 12 2nd grade storybooks/24 activity sheets
  • 2 3rd grade storybooks/40 activity sheets
  • 2 4th storybooks/40 activity sheets
  • 2 5th storybooks/20 activity sheets
  • 4 Social/Emotional health storybooks/12 activity sheets
  • 4 Gardening storybooks /4 activity sheets
  • Foods of the Month (year-round nutrition content with takehome recipes/newsletters)
  • 20 Music videos and 80 short healthy living videos for daily playing and transition time
  • 8 Video episodes of The OrganWise Guys

Please note that all content on this platform is also available in physical form (See Catalog)

Access for the Entire Site:

Heart Beat
P.E. / Health Teachers
Social Media
Media Specialists / Librarians
School Counselors
Classroom Teachers
Summer / Afterschool
Specials Teachers
At Home / Family Component

This prep-free supplemental curriculum includes everything an educator needs to keep students on track

Lesson Plans
Implementation Guides
Correlations to National Head Start/Early Childhood
Correlations to STEM Standards
Correlations to Your State-specific Standards

To complement the digital platform,
consider adding these physical items…

Elementary Booster Kit

Elementary School Booster Kit

  • Nutrition and healthy lifestyle curriculum presented with stories, songs and lots of FUN!
  • WISERCISE! – Daily 10-minute bouts of physical activity performed while staying on task academically
  • Foods of the Month posters, buttons and apron for year-round nutrition education
  • Create an empowering school-wide environment to keep health a daily focus

Activity Books (Optional)

These books contain activities that complement the lessons learned in the Elementary School curriculum (one per student).(Please note, the Elementary School DIGITAL Platform contains all of these activity sheets available for download. However, many schools also prefer physical books as an option, if budget allows.)

Elementary School Digital Platform

Total Number of Students Enrolled

(PreK - 5th Grade) x $3.00 (Annually)

Elementary School
Booster Kit


Activity Books

$5.95 each

(quantity discount available)

Contact Us/Get a Quote!

Early Childhood Contact Form

What Educators Are Saying…

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Yes! The OrganWise Guys Comprehensive School Program (which included PreKindergarten and Kindergarten children) was part of the only published longitudinal (multi-year) school-based study to show statistically significantly greater improvements in weight, blood pressure and waist circumference measures, as well as higher standardized test scores, of children in program schools as compared to children who were not.

These healthy and smart findings are published in top-tier, peer-reviewed journals – the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, the American Journal of Public Health and the Journal of Healthcare for the Poor and Underserved. Additionally, research was presented at the American Heart Association’s 2015 Epidemiology and Prevention and Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health Scientific Sessions that showed statistically significant improvements (and maintenance) in BMI percentile and waist circumference for children ages 2-5 participating in this childhood obesity prevention intervention.

Click here to view research and request full publications

Yes! We understand how limited time is for teachers as well as the numerous testing/reporting requirements from state and federal entities. Our goal is to make implementing this program as EASY as possible for teachers.These materials are linked to national and state standards in all 50 states. Please email [email protected] for a copy.

Yes, there are lesson plans on the digital platform for each resource. They can also be accessed here. Click here to view all lesson plans.

Yes! The curriculum comes with easy-to-use implementation guides to assist teachers in program use. Click here to view all guides.

There is not a specific curriculum evaluation or pre/post test for this age group at this time. However, many formal have been with this target age group click here and here. Also our educator post survey can be found here.

Yes! While this program is very streamlined and easy to use, we recommend a complementary Zoom training to outline how this program can best work for your school.

For larger projects (multiple centers), an in-person training by one of our program experts is often requested. To meet this need, we do offer a day rate of $2500 (which includes travel expenses in the U.S.). To decide which option is best for you, do not hesitate to call us at 800-786-1730 x2.

We do offer grade-level specific activity books that are linked to curriculum standards. If you purchase a subscription, all activity sheets are included as downloads on the platform.

Many schools opt to purchase 1 activity book per student instead of printing copies. We offer a 50% discount to schools and Extension.

Yes, on the Digital Platform, ALL storybooks are read by the characters in both English AND Spanish. We also have a variety of additional OrganWise items in Spanish, which can be viewed here.